6 Ways to Give
Thank you for considering giving Galcom a gift through Interac e-Transfer. Please fill out the form below, and ensure that the amount you put in the form is the same amount that you transfer to us. If you send us an e-transfer without filling out the form below, we may not be able to issue you a tax receipt.
Pre-Authorized Debit
Automatic monthly donations are convenient, cost-effective, you can change or cancel them at any time, and they enable Galcom to effectively plan our ministry projects. We are committed to being good stewards of the resources God provides through our partners like you. By giving automatically, you reduce our mailing and administrative costs so that even more of your donation can go towards providing radio equipment in order to proclaim the Gospel to unreached people groups around the world. To sign up for automatic monthly donations, call us at 1-877-242-5266; or to download the pre-authorized payment form, click on the button below.
By Mail
You can give by mailing a cheque to: Galcom International Inc. 115A Nebo Road, Hamilton, ON L8W 2E1.
Legacy Giving
When you pour your life into something, you want to make sure it lasts. A planned gift in an annuity or will is the best way to strengthen your favourite charity to continue its mission long into the future. In order to keep our focus on our God-given task of sharing the Gospel through radio around the world, Galcom has partnered with Link Charity Canada to administer planned-giving options for us. If you would like to make a gift of stock, or set up a small foundation (Donor Advised Fund), or would like information on legacy gifts like a charitable gift annuity or a bequest gift, please give our Partner Relations Representative Günther Eichmann a call at 1-877-242-5266 x. 452, and he will explain all the options to you. Once you have a plan in mind, we will work with you through Link Charity to make it happen. For more information about Link charity, visit their website at www.linkcharity.ca.
Canadian Donors

Click on the button below to see the most recent report on Galcom from the Canada Revenue Agency.
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To request a copy of our most recent audited financial statements, please send your name and address to galcom@galcom.org.
US Donors
To make a donation to Galcom International USA, click on the button below.
Giving Policy
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Each restricted contribution designated toward such an approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining contributions will be used where needed most. Gifts are acknowledged and receipted with an official receipt for income tax purposes.