Mission Compass Podcast

Season 4

Episode 60 – October 19, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Andrew Croft from Open Doors Canada to discuss the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and how you can pray for the Church worldwide. Stan Jeter joins to share a GNA story showcasing the relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

To watch the video version of the show, follow this link to our YouTube Channel.

For more information on Open Doors, click here!

Episode 59 – October 12, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Elaine Bombay continues the conversation with Tim, sharing more stories from the work that Cal Bombay Ministries is doing in Africa with Gardens of Hope. Faye Whatford joins the program to share about an unreached people group in Sudan and how you can pray for the Gospel message to reach them.

To watch the video version of the show, follow this link to our YouTube Channel.

For more information on Cal Bombay Ministries, click here!

Episode 58 – October 5, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Elaine Bombay from Cal Bombay Ministries to talk about the work they do helping to plant gardens in Africa. Bonnie Sala shares this week’s Reset Devotional and some special testimonies from Guidelines listeners in Lebanon.

To watch the video version of the show, follow this link to our YouTube Channel.

Episode 57 – September 28, 2024

On this week’s Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Betty Charles, who shares her story of answering God’s call to mission work in the Philippines. Faye Whatford also shares about an unreached people group in the Philippines and how they might be reached with the Gospel of Christ.

To read Betty’s book, search “Journals of Victory” on books.friesenpress.com, or reach out to her at actngrow2024@gmail.com  

To watch the video version of the show, follow this link to our YouTube Channel.

Episode 56 – September 21, 2024

On this week’s Mission Compass, Mike Gwartney of Radio South Sudan joins Tim in our studio to discuss the work that nearly a dozen radio stations are doing across the country. Stan Jeter also shares about the incredible translation work being done on the streaming series The Chosen.

To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel.


For more information on Radio South Sudan, click here!

Episode 55 – September 14, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Blake Jones of Every Village, our partner in South Sudan, who shares stories from the organization’s recent trip to the world’s youngest country. Faye Whatford also profiles an unreached people group in South Sudan and how we might reach them with the Gospel.

To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel.


For more information on Every Village, click here!

Episode 54 – September 7, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim continues talking with Guenson and Claudia Charlot of Emmaus Biblical Seminary in Cap-Haitien, Haiti about how you can support the work they do teaching God’s truth through higher education.

Bonnie Sala also joins the show and shares testimonies from Guidelines listeners in Egypt.

For more information on Emmaus Seminary, visit www.emmaus.edu.ht.

To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel.


For more information on Emmaus University, click here!

Episode 53 – August 31, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Drs. Guenson and Claudia Charlot of Emmaus Bibilical Seminary in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, who discuss how we can best help Haitians realize their God-given potential. Faye Whatford also joins the show to share about the Bouyei people and the best way to reach them for Jesus Christ.

For more information on Emmaus Seminary, visit www.emmaus.edu.ht.

To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel.

Episode 52 – August 24, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, Tim talks with Sarah Sunnucks of Smith’s Funeral Home about the importance of leaving a legacy and the aid that having a clear will gives to your family. Stan Jeter also joins the program and shares a story of a surgeon who volunteers with the Mercy Ships organization.

To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel.

Episode 51 – August 17, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim and Rick Bradford continue their conversation with more stories from Egbe, Nigeria. Faye Whatford again joins the show to share about the unreached Butawa people in Nigeria.

Episode 50 – August 10, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Rick Bradford, SIM missionary in Nigeria. He always has amazing stories about the work that God is doing among the Fulani people, and this week is no exception! You won’t want to miss it. Bonnie Sala not only shares her Reset devotional but also joins the program to tell the story of a listener in Kenya.

Episode 49 – August 3, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim’s daughter Aurora joins the show to recap the past year she spent teaching in South Africa, near the border of Lesotho. Stan Jeter shares a GNA story from India, and how you can help capture stories of what God is doing around the world, just using your smartphone.
To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel.


Episode 48 – July 27, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim is in full video for the first time! He is joined by Scott Beigle of Faith Radio Tallahassee, who shares about Faith Radio’s partnership with the Faith Radio station in Ketale, Kenya. Faye Whatford also joins the program to talk about the unreached Bajuni people in Kenya.

To watch the video version of the podcast, follow this link to our YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/BEIPQdWgPus

Episode 47 – July 20, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Jimri and Yancen of FEBC Indonesia, who talk about their work spreading the Gospel in the world’s largest Muslim nation. Bonnie Sala also shares a testimony from a Guidelines listener in the country of Albania.

Episode 46 – July 13, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, Tim is joined by Rick Rhoads, President of Bible Centered Ministries International, who shares the history of the ministry and how they reach children around the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. Faye Whatford also joins the program to share about the Banjara people of India and how you can pray for ways to bring the Gospel to them.

Episode 45 – July 6, 2024

On this week’s Mission Compass, Tim continues last week’s conversation with Elea Hofman, Executive Director of Halton Alive. They dive into issues surrounding Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying program, and what Halton Alive promotes to give hope to those nearing the end of life. Stan Jeter joins the program to share a story from the Global News Alliance and teach you how to capture and tell stories of God’s kingdom with your smartphone.

Episode 44 – June 29, 2024

This week on Mission Compass, Tim speaks with Elea Hofman, the Executive Director of Halton Alive. They discuss the work that Halton Alive does as a pregnancy resource centre, as well as forwarding the pro-life movement in Canada and the issues surrounding the Medical Assistance in Dying program. Faye Whatford joins the program to share about an unreached people group in Myanmar and how you can pray for them.

Episode 43 – June 22, 2024

On this week’s episode of Mission Compass, Tim talks with Galcom employee Grace Constable. Grace recently went on a mission trip to Huánuco, Peru and shares her first-ever mission trip experience. Bonnie Sala from Guidelines International also joins the program to talk about what God is doing around the world.

Episode 42 – June 15, 2024

On this week’s episode of the Mission Compass, Tim joins Dennis Cheredar, the Board Chair of Christian Salvage Mission. Dennis shares how the mission started, what has been accomplished in the 30 years since CSM’s founding, and how you can get involved.
Faye Whatford highlights an unreached people group from Indonesia and shares how you can pray for them to hear the Gospel.

Episode 41 – June 8, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, we talk with Abby Penglase, a SIM missionary in Ecuador. We are going to learn about the Quichua people she ministers to, and how an Australian ended up serving in missions halfway around the world. You will also hear about how to be a smartphone reporter from Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance. Make sure to tune in—you don’t want to miss it!

Episode 40 – June 1, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, we talk with Torben Jensen, the Ministry Relations Manager at Joni and Friends Ministry. He shares about how Joni and Friends comes alongside churches to make them more accessible and inclusive for those with disabilities. We also hear from Faye Whatford about an unreached people group who have their own barriers to the Gospel. Make sure to tune in because you don’t want to miss it!

Episode 39 – May 25, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass we finish our conversation with Lowell Wertz. He shares some amazing stories of God using “ordinary” people to do some amazing things. We also hear from Bonnie Sala with her Reset devotional. Make sure to tune in because you don’t want to miss it!

Episode 38 – May 18, 2024

Did you ever question how you are supposed to live? God’s Word gives you the answers for that, but here on the Mission Compass, we point you to how to serve. This week, listen to Lowell Wertz as he talks about his 40 years in Africa and how God has sustained him. We will also hear from Bonnie Sala with her Reset devotional. Settle in and get ready to grow!

Episode 37 – May 11, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, we talk with Lowell Wertz the founder of Joy of the Harvest ministry. He tells us a little bit about his time in missions. We also hear from Stan Jeter, he shares some tips with us. Make sure to tune in!

Episode 36 – May 4, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, we’re focusing on unreached people groups, and to do that we talk with Jeff McLinden, the Executive Director of Alliance of the Unreached.  We’re also going to hear about the International Day of the Unreached on May 19th, and how you and your church can get involved. Make sure to tune in!

Episode 35 – April 27, 2024

This week’s Mission Compass is one show you won’t want to miss! We hear more from Mike Scott, the International Mission Worker for Prairie College, as he describes his role in inspiring the students there to consider mission work. We will also hear from Bonnie Sala; she shares some stories from Kyrgyzstan.

Episode 34 – April 20, 2024

This week’s Mission Compass is one show you won’t want to miss! We hear more from Ulanbek Karypov, the National Director of FEBC Kyrgyzstan, as he gives us a glimpse into what it is like to share Christ in this almost completely unreached nation. We will also learn more about the day-to-day life of the Kyrgyz people and how we can help bring the Good News to them. Stay tuned!

Episode 33 – April 13, 2024

On the Mission Compass this week, we are very excited to talk with Ulanbek Karypov, the National Director for FEBC Kyrgyzstan. Ulanbek shares with us what God has been doing in this unreached country. Stan Jeter also has a great report about a German evangelist launching a historic series of Gospel campaigns across Africa. You don’t want to miss it, so tune in!

Episode 32 – April 6, 2024

This week on the Mission Compass, we talk with Shawn Stuart, the founder of Organized Kaos.  He shares with us a little bit about what Organized Kaos does and how it began. We also hear about an unreached people group in Mali. Make sure to tune in and learn how you can become a part of the Great Commission.

Episode 31 – March 30, 2024

Welcome to the Mission Compass! This week, we finish our conversation with Sheryl Greenwood, Ecuador Country Director for SIM. Bonnie Sala also shares with us a story about an Albanian woman who hears about Jesus through a Galcom Radio. Make sure to tune in and learn how you can become a part of The Great Commission.

Episode 30 – March 23, 2024

Join us this week on the Mission Compass as we talk with Sheryl Greenwood, SIM country director for Ecuador as she shares a little bit about her experiences and challenges. Our very own Faye Whatford teaches us about an unreached people group also found in Ecuador. Make sure to tune in and learn how you can become a part of The Great Commission.

Episode 29 – March 16, 2024

Join us this week as we talk with Philip Asare, executive vice president of Theovision. He shares the vision of Theovision and some of the recording process. Stan Jeter shares with us how a non-profit organization based in Colorado, is combating HIV and AIDS in Uganda for 20 years. So, make sure to tune in and learn how you can get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 28- March 9, 2024

Listen in to the Mission Compass this week as we talk with Tim Walker, an Ethnos missionary; he shares some stories about his visit with the Piaroa people in Venezuela. Also, our very own Faye Whatford teaches us about an unreached people group in West Africa. Make sure to stick around long enough to learn how you can get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 27- March 2, 2024

Join us on the Mission Compass this week, as we finish our conversation with Kene Jackson, Director of the Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He will share some of the challenges of spreading the Gospel in First Nations territories. We will also hear from Al Wyatt, our Mission Team Lead, as he talks about the Kichua people of Peru. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 26- February 24, 2024

Join us this week on the mission Compass as we talk to Kene Jackson, Director of the Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He will share with us what God is doing right here in Canada! Additionally, this week we will hear from Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International, who will share with us what God is doing all over the world. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved in The Great Commission!

Episode 25- February 17, 2024

In this week’s episode, we hear from Andrew Croft of Open Doors Canada, an organization that comes alongside persecuted Christians worldwide by providing resources, training, and emergency aid. The Canadian office works to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilizing prayer, support, and action among Christians. Tune in and find out how you fit into the Great Commission!

Episode 24- February 10, 2024

In this week’s episode of the Mission Compass, we’ll be hearing the second part of Mark Griffin’s interview, sharing how Global Recordings Network is spreading the Gospel to every corner of the world using the 5fish app. Additionally, we’ll be getting an uplifting news report from Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance. Tune in and find where you fit in the Great Commission!

Episode 23- February 3, 2024

Welcome to this week’s episode of the Mission Compass: your guide to the Great Commission. We hear from Global Recordings Network’s Mark Griffin in this episode. He shares how this parent ministry to Galcom International uses audio recordings to share the Good News of Jesus with every tribe, tongue, and nation. Also, our very own Communications Team Lead, Faye Whatford, talks about the unreached people group in Indonesia called the Baduy. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission.

Episode 22- January 27, 2024

Welcome to the Mission Compass: Your guide to the Great Commission. In this second part of our interview with Rick Bradford, SIM missionary, he shares stories of his adventures in Egbe, Nigeria. We witness the magic of the solar-powered audio Bible as it illuminates the hearts of all who listen. Join us on this inspiring journey as we hear from Bonnie Sala and how they are spreading love and light across the world, using radio! Discover where you fit in the Great Commission with Mission Compass.

Episode 21- January 20, 2024

Welcome to the Mission Compass, your guiding light to the Great Commission. In this episode, we are delighted to introduce our cherished ally and comrade, Rick Bradford, a SIM missionary stationed in the heart of Nigeria. He regales us with tales of his exploits in Egbe, Nigeria, using our solar-powered audio Bible. Tune in for some inspirational insights and learn how you can spread God’s love to all of creation!

Episode 20- January 13, 2024

Welcome to the Mission Compass, your guide to the Great Commission! This week, we hear part two of Andrew Brown’s interview as he shares about the work Every Village is doing in South Sudan. Bonnie Sala will also share God’s word through her devotional, Reset. Tune in and find out how you can get involved in serving God in exciting ways!

Episode 19- January 6, 2024

Welcome to the very first episode of 2024! We survived 2023 and have many new interviews to share with you. We hear from Andrew Brown, Executive Director at Every Village, who shares incredible stories of how God works through radios in South Sudan. Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International also recounts some testimonies about how radio is used to proclaim the Gospel worldwide. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s Mission Compass.

Episode 18- December 30, 2023

Welcome to the Mission Compass year-end review! In this week’s episode, we share clips from the best interviews of 2023: stories about milestones, new partnerships, and mission trips. Bonnie Sala also joins us to tell a story about what the Gospel is accomplishing around the globe. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s Mission Compass.

Episode 17- December 23, 2023

Join us this week on the Mission Compass and find out how you can get involved, both in word and deed, in the Great Commission. This week, we talk to MJ Grant of Chronological Bible Stories for Kids. She shares how their ministry uses our solar-powered audio Bibles to tell children about the love of Jesus. We also get an update from our Communications Team Lead, Faye Whatford, about the Oroch people of Ukraine. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 16- December 16, 2023

Join us this week on the Mission Compass when we speak to Adele Diffey, International Executive Director at Safe Homes Canada. Safe Homes Canada provides just that: a safe home for children who are in foster care. You can get involved in the Great Commission right from your home! Stan Jeter joins us and tells us how to join Global News Alliance by revealing God’s story using your cell phone. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to get involved in God’s work. So, tune in, get inspired and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 15- December 9, 2023

Welcome to the Mission Compass, where we discuss how you can get involved in the Great Commission. This week’s guest, Gary Slingerland, joins us from “Come Over and Help.” You read about the Macedonian call, in Acts. That’s what COAH is all about. He will tell you about their ministry overseas. Bonnie Sala joins us and shares God’s word. If you believe in Jesus, we’re all called to be witnesses, so sit back, relax, and enjoy this week’s Mission Compass.

Episode 14- December 2, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we get an update from Elaine Bombay of Cal Bombay Ministries. We have been partnering with their organization in a “double harvest”, meeting physical needs through Gardens of Hope and spiritual needs through our solar-powered, fixed-tuned radios. We also catch up with our good friend Bonnie Sala of Guidelines, who gives us an update on how radio is changing people’s lives worldwide. So, listen in and get inspired to participate in the Great Commission.

Episode 13- November 25, 2023

One of the areas of work we focus on at Galcom is short-term mission trips. This past October, we partnered with Tsawwassen Alliance Church in BC and went to Ecuador to distribute our solar-powered, fixed-tuned radios and audio Bibles. This week, we hear from trip member Gary Jones, who shares with us what that experience was like. Maybe you’ll be motivated to join us on another short-term mission trip! We also talk to our good friend Stan Jeter, who shares how you can be a missionary using your cellphone. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 12- November 18, 2023

On this week’s show, we chat with longtime Galcom friend, Alex Muir, Missionary Mobilizer for Pioneers Canada. Alex talks about his most recent radio-distribution trip to Bolivia and the impact that radio is having on the Quechua people. Are you interested in going on a short-term mission trip? Listen in and find out how you can go and share the Gospel with Alex and his team. We also hear from Faye Whatford, Galcom’s Communication Team Lead, as she shares information on an unreached people group. So, tune in, get inspired, and then get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 11- November 11, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we hear Kitty Gavan share about helping Ukrainian refugees through her church, Strathmore Alliance Church, in Calgary. We also get an update from our R&D Engineer, Pierre-Yves Mutrux, about his most recent trip to the Africa By Radio Conference and how Galcom is partnering with other organizations to fulfill the Great Commission. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 10- November 4, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we catch up with Ben Schroeder, SIM missionary to Nigeria. We have been following Ben in his missionary career for the past seven years, and he gives us the details on how the Lord is using him to share the Gospel in Nigeria. We also hear from Bonnie Sala as she shares God’s word through her devotional Reset. So, get comfortable, listen in, get inspired, and join us in the Great Commission!

Episode 9- October 28, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we hear from Aurora Whitehead, a missionary to South Africa. Tune in and find out how 18-year-old Aurora is already involved in the Great Commission! We will also get an update from Faye Whatford, Communications Team Lead, on an unreached people group that is less than 2% evangelical believers. So, listen in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 8- October 21, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we hear from our Consulting Engineer, Francis Njoroge, who was here for our banquet last week and shared about his work in Tanzania and South Sudan. Also, Tom Blackstone, Executive Director of Galcom USA, gives us an update about the Crowell Legacy Project we are working on! So, settle in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 7- October 14, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission. Yes, your guide, because we want you to use your skills and abilities to share your love of Jesus Christ with others. This week we have Sagar Bhukya, Executive Director of BBPT. We also hear from Tom Blackstone, Executive Director of Galcom USA; and Faye Whatford, Communications Team Lead at Galcom International Canada, gives us an update on the Joshua Project!

Episode 6- October 7, 2023

On this week’s Mission Compass, we have part two of our interview with Kate Michel from 4VEH and she recounts some great stories of how God is moving throughout Haiti. Stan Jeter joins us again and shares tips and tricks on how you can be a reporter using your cell phone. Tune in this week, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 5- September 30, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission. We go all around the world, giving out solar-powered, fix-tuned radios and audio Bibles; this week we catch up with one of our partnering ministries, Radio 4VEH and their Development Director Kate Michel. Kate was recently in Haiti amidst all of the chaos there, and she brought back some great testimonies of what God is doing. Stan Jeter joins us again and shares how to be a smartphone reporter for God’s kingdom! Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 4- September 23, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission! Are you living the American Dream – the Canadian Dream? Whatever it is, the money, the family, everything’s going great – but is it enough? Cody Custer joins us today to share the story of how he ended up ministering with Trans World Radio all the way into the island of Guam! Settle in, and enjoy our weekly devotional Reset with Bonnie Sala as well as an update on what’s going on here at Galcom from Faye Whatford. Tune in, get inspired and get involved in the Great Commission.

Episode 3- September 16, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we catch up with Allan Gallant, Founder of Agora Network Ministries, as he shares about their upcoming Perseverance Conference September 23rd at West Highland Baptist Church, in Hamilton, Ontario. Did you know that forty-five hundred people die each year by suicide? Allan shares how we can make a difference by starting a conversation inside the walls of the church.  Bonnie Sala also joins us with an update on Guidelines International and shares God’s word through her devotional, Reset!

Episode 2- September 9, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission! Brian Dyck from Appropriate Technologies is joining us this week and he shares about all of the work they are doing in South Sudan; perhaps you may want to be a part of it. Stan Jeter from Global News Alliance gives some pointers on how you can be telling God’s story using your cellphone and also gives an update on the wildfires in Hawaii. Bonnie Sala joins us as she does every week, with her devotional Reset. So, stay tuned, get inspired, and get involved some way, somehow in the Great Commission!

Episode 1- September 2, 2023

Welcome to the first episode of the fourth season of Mission Compass! We at Galcom love radio, we think it’s the most efficient way to share the Gospel; so, Alex Walker of Reach Beyond joins us to share about how Christian radio is making an impact on the Sub-Saharan Region of Africa. We also hear an update on the Yao people group in Malawi, narrated by our very own Communications Team Lead, Faye Whatford, and we also hear our weekly devotional from Bonnie Sala’s Reset. Stay tuned, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Season 3

Episode 52- August 26, 2023

We at Galcom love taking people on mission trips—exposing them to other cultures, teaching them how to share their faith, and being a witness for Jesus. Sometimes, things are better learned through experience. We can show you pictures and share stories about people around the world, but going there can change your life! That’s why we chat this week with Jerry O’Connell of Mission City Baptist Church in Brantford, ON, who recently went on a mission trip with Galcom to Oaxaca, Mexico, and is now planning to bring a whole team from his church back to Oaxaca in the new year. We also get an update from Kevin Baker, Galcom’s Field Technician, and he shares about Galcom’s radio-station installation projects. Tune in, get encouraged, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 51- August 19, 2023

Over the years, we have repeatedly been convinced that you can’t do the Great Commission without the Great Commandment. So, in this week’s program, we are talking to Melody Whitehead, Director of Outreach and Ministry at Philpott Memorial. She shares how her church reaches out to those in need in the downtown core of Hamilton to meet their felt and spiritual needs. We also hear from Faye Whatford, Communications Team Lead here at Galcom, who shares about an unreached people group you can pray for. Tune in, get inspired and then get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 50- August 12, 2023

Welcome to this week’s Mission Compass! Have you ever noticed how ongoing issues don’t get reported on in the mainstream media after a few months? Did you know wars are still happening in Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine? Dirk Smith of the Eastern European Mission joins us this week to tell us what his ministry is doing in Ukraine and what life is like for people there right now. He tells us what we can pray for and, more importantly, how we can get involved. Also, Bonnie Sala shares a great testimony from Guidelines International. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 49- August 5, 2023

Join us this week for part two of Rick Bradford’s interview as he shares all the work he is doing through SIM in Nigeria: things like building schools and drilling clean water wells, meeting the spiritual needs, and also the felt needs of the people he serves. Stand Jeter of GNA News will explain how you, too, can be a journalist by sharing God’s work using your cell phone. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 48- July 29, 2023

This week on the Mission Compass, we catch up with our good friend Rick Bradford, SIM Missionary to Nigeria. He’s been reaching out to the Fulani, Yoruba, and Hausa tribal groups with the good news of Jesus Christ. On the Mission Compass, we have a real focus on unreached people groups, which are groups with less than 2% of believers and no mature self-reproducing church. Our very own Communications Team Lead joins us to help bring awareness to a specific people group you can be praying for. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 47- July 22, 2023

This week, we hear from Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International and she shares a testimony on the cost of becoming a Christian in areas of the world hostile to the faith. We also get an update from Tom Blackstone of Galcom USA; he recounts his recent trip to the Dominican Republic. Do you have a skill or ability that you feel God is calling you to use for His kingdom? Tune into the Mission Compass and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 46- July 15, 2023

Join us this week on the Mission Compass when we talk to Toe-Blake Roy of BLF Canada—Bibles & Literature in French, as he shares about their ministry and outreach to those in Quebec. We also get an update from Stan Jeter, Founder and CEO of Global News Alliance, and he once again gives us some tips and tricks on how we can share God’s story using our cell phones. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 45- July 8, 2023

Tune in to Mission Compass and let us be your guide to the Great Commission! This week, we hear from Susan Henson, Co-founder of Compassionate Hope: a Christ-centered organization focused on providing hope and a future to victims of human trafficking in Southeast Asia. Every morning, our team at Galcom prays for an unreached people group, and our Communications Team Lead, Faye Whatford, joins us to share about the Coastal Swahili people in Kenya. Listen in and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 44- July 1, 2023

Join us this week when we chat with Winnie Ochieng of Via; she describes what they are doing to reach the people of Kenya with the Gospel. We also hear from Bonnie Sala, president and CEO of Guidelines International, as she shares a testimony of how God is changing lives in the Philippines. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 43- June 24, 2023

On this week’s Mission Compass show, we catch up with Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance as he continues to coach on how anyone can be a journalist by using their smartphone. We also hear from Alex Henderson of Katalyst World Partners, as he shares how this ministry accelerates the global Church with sustainable strategies through mobilization, collaboration, and innovation. Tune in, get inspired and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 42- June 17, 2023

This week on our program, we have exciting news from Bonnie Sala and Guidelines ministry: they have a great assessment tool to pinpoint your gifts to minister to others. Visit guidelines.org and click on the “What is God’s Calling for Your Life?” link to take the assessment. We also hear an update from our R&D Engineer, Pierre-Yves Mutrux, on his recent trip to a media conference in Thailand. Are you interested in trying out short-term missions? We have a great story from Les Peters, Founder and Field Director of Impact Ministries; they focus on equipping and sending people to share their testimony and faith on short-term mission trips. Listen in, get encouraged, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 41- June 10, 2023

Join us this week as we get an update from Matt Dickson, founder of Eggpreneur, which is an initiative that equips, trains, and supports women running micro-enterprises in developing countries. We also have an update from our most recent radio-distribution trip lead by our Missions Team Lead, Al Wyatt. Tune in and find out how you can serve in the Great Commission!

Episode 40- June 3, 2023

Join us this week on the Mission Compass and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission! This week, we talk with Paul Richardson, President of the Bible League Canada; he shares ways you can go deeper with people so they can understand the fullness of Jesus Christ. We also get an update from Stan Jeter, Founder and CEO of Global News Alliance. He continues to share testimonies of regular people witnessing of how God is still moving in the world. If you want to serve, but don’t know how or where, tune into the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission.

Episode 39- May 27, 2023

Are you a friend of Galcom International, but don’t listen to the Mission Compass? Listen and let us be your guide! This week we catch up with our longtime partner, Alex Muir, Missionary Mobilizer at Pioneers Canada, who just returned from a radio-distribution mission trip to Bolivia. He shares with us how one small solar-powered radio has ministered to an entire family, generation after generation. Bonnie Sala joins us this week with an encouraging word from her Reset Devotional and a story of how God is moving through the Guidelines Ministry using Christian radio. Get encouraged; and more importantly, find out where you fit in the Great Commission.

Episode 38- May 20, 2023

On the Mission Compass, we talk with someone who is involved in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in order to inspire you. This week we hear from Mike Reimer, Canadian Director of Avant Ministries. He just went back to visit the Guarani people in Bolivia, and he shares about the impact the Gospel has had with this people group. Mark Kordic from the Alliance for the Unreached joins us to talk about the Day for the Unreached, coming this Pentecost Sunday. Tune in and find out how you can get involved.

Episode 37- May 13, 2023

Did you know that you are qualified to be a missionary? Yes, you most definitely are! That is why, every week on the Mission Compass radio show, we introduce you to a different agency to see where you can get involved, serving in the Great Commission. Let us be your guide! This show, we chat with Paul Hudson from Carey International Pastoral Training. Maybe you are a pastor and want to travel the world, training and equipping men and women to become pastors in their own context. We also catch up with Stan Jeter of the Global News Alliance, who shares tips and tricks on how we can use our smartphones to tell God’s story. Lastly, we have some Galcom updates and information on our upcoming online banquet, so join us this weekend!

Episode 36- May 6, 2023

Join us on the Mission Compass and let us be your guide to the Great Commission. This week, we focus on refugees and immigrants. You don’t have to travel around the world to be a missionary; you can show them the love of Jesus right here in North America. We hear from Dr. Chris Carr of Global Gates about how they minister to refugees and immigrants in “gateway” cities. Galcom USA Director Tom Blackstone travelled down to the border between Texas and Mexico, handing out solar-powered audio Bibles and meeting both practical and spiritual needs. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved today!

Episode 35- April 29, 2023

Tune in this week as Francis Njoroge, our consulting engineer from Kenya, finishes telling us about his incredible journey through Africa. Spoiler alert, he did make it safely to South Sudan! We also touch base with Steve Johnson of the Alliance for the Unreached; he shares about ways we all can get involved in the upcoming Day for the Unreached on May 28th, Pentecost Sunday. And our special guest this week is Samphal Makara, the director of Krusa FM in Cambodia; he describes how they minister to a largely Buddhist nation using radio. You don’t want to miss this episode, so listen in, get encouraged, and get involved in the Great Commission.

Episode 34- April 22, 2023

At Mission Compass, we want to guide you into serving Jesus Christ with your God-given skills and abilities. This week, we hear from Stan Jeter from Global News Alliance, and he is going to give you a few tips and tricks on how you can be a Gospel news reporter by just using your cell phone. We also hear from Bernice Huinink, a missionary to Guatemala, as she talks about her latest trip to minister to the people there. Maybe you will be inspired to go on a Galcom mission trip? And Francis Njoroge, our consulting engineer from Kenya, shares about his recent trials and tribulations travelling in South Sudan. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 33- April 15, 2023

Every week on Mission Compass, we highlight an organization that can equip you in serving in the Great Commission. This week, we hear from Dr. David Zietsma, President of Redeemer University, right here in Galcom’s hometown of Hamilton, Ontario. Maybe you are thinking about attending, or you have a child or grandchild that is interested in attending this accredited university. We also hear God’s Word through the ministry of Guidelines International. Every morning, all the staff at Galcom gather and get inspired by the Reset devotional, so we share it with you here at Mission Compass. Get involved in some way, somehow in the Great Commission!

Episode 32- April 8, 2023

Every week on the Mission Compass show, we introduce you to some one who is serving God in a unique way, to spark ideas of where you might fit in the Great Commission. This week, Steve Johnson shares about Door International, an outreach ministry to the deaf. Tune in and find out about this incredibly large and forgotten people group. We also hear from Alex Dykstra of MoveIn, a ministry of people who intentionally move in to a marginalized neighborhood in order to minister to groups from all over the world, right here in Canada. Great Commission living is about being in the place where people need to hear about Jesus. Join us this weekend, get encouraged, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 31- April 1, 2023

Every week on the Mission Compass, we connect with people who are serving God with their skills and abilities in the Great Commission. This time, we catch up with Dennis Wiens of SAT-7, a wonderful TV ministry reaching the Middle East. Dennis talks to us about what they are doing practically to help earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria. Tune in and find out how you can come alongside them and serve with them in the Great Commission.

Episode 30- March 25, 2023

Here at Mission Compass, we want you to share about the Good News of Jesus and get involved in the Great Commission. This week, we hear from Chad Bruneski, President of the Great Commission Foundation. He shares all about how their ministry comes alongside other ministries to help particularly with their accounting, governance, and administrative tasks. We also hear from Tom Blackstone of Galcom USA about their outreach work and humanitarian aid to Türkiye and Syria. There are so many ways to get involved, so tune in and find out where you fit!

Episode 29- March 18, 2023

Mark your calendars! May 28th, Pentecost Sunday, is also the Day for the Unreached, and Steve Johnson of the Alliance for the Unreached joins us to tell you all about to connect with the one-third of the world who has never heard the Gospel. Every week, we hear an encouraging word from God through Bonnie Sala and her Reset devotional; listen to find out what God might be saying to you this week. Lastly, we reconnect with Mark Lori-Amini of Hayate Abadi Ministries, and he wants to tell you all about the fastest growing church…in Iran! Get encouraged and get involved in the Great Commission. How? By tuning in to Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission.

Episode 28- March 11, 2023

We have a very exciting show for you this week on Mission Compass. Our good friend and hero to many, Russell Stendal, author of Rescue the Captors, joins us to share how he has been reaching out to Colombia and neighboring Venezuela. We will also hear an update from Stan Jeter from Global News Alliance on great things happening in Buenos Aires, and how you can evangelize by using your cell phone. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 27- March 4, 2023

Tune in this week to Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission.  This week we hear from a missionary working with the Uyghur people in western China; they are a persecuted people group and do not have a lot of opportunities to hear the Gospel. We want to keep you informed on worldwide events and how radio is reaching thousands of people with the Gospel of Jesus every day! Get inspired and get involved somehow, some way in the Great Commission.

Episode 26- February 25, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we hear from our good friend Dan Reese of TWR Canada; Trans World Radio is celebrating an incredible 50 years in ministry. We also hear an update from Bill Ball of the Slavic Gospel Association on this first anniversary of the start of war in Ukraine. He fills us in on how they are coming alongside pastors and people to help them in concrete ways. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved in the Great Commission!

Episode 25- February 18, 2023

Join us this week, when we speak to Brandt Whatley of Ethnos Canada working in the Arctic. Yes, the Arctic! He also talks about growing up as a missionary kid. Also, our good friend, previous board member, and volunteer area rep Ron Huinink tells us about his recent volunteer trip installing radio stations on Indigenous land. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 24- February 11, 2023

Join us this week, when we speak to Brandt Whatley of Ethnos Canada working in the Arctic. Yes, the Arctic! He also talks about growing up as a missionary kid. Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance shares how you can get involved in the Great Commission using your smartphone. Lastly, our good friend, Board member, and volunteer area rep Ron Huinink tells us about his recent volunteer trip installing radio stations on Indigenous land. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 23- February 4, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we continue our conversation with Chung Soo Kim of FEBC Korea. Missionaries are not allowed into North Korea, but radio waves know no borders! We also hear from our very own Missions Team Lead, Alastair Wyatt, and he gives us an update on one of Galcom’s longest partnerships in the Great Commission, with the Guambianos; they are an indigenous people group in Colombia. Last, but not least, our good friend Steve Johnson from Alliance for the Unreached joins us to share about some exciting ministries. So, tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 22- January 28, 2023

Join us on Mission Compass and let us be your guide to the Great Commission! This week, we hear from Chung Soo Kim from Far East Broadcasting in South Korea. 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the Billy Graham crusade in Seoul which sparked a national revival, with waves and ripples still being felt today. Tom Blackstone of Galcom USA joins us to share about his recent trip to Belize, and what God is doing in this country. Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International is also here to tell a great story about Ahmed, a converted Muslim who suffers for his faith. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 21- January 21, 2023

This week we hear from Byron Miller, missionary to Bolivia. Byron spent a week at the Galcom office in Hamilton, Ontario, learning how to fix our older radios in preparation for his next trip, where he will repair the well-loved, broken units he encounters in Bolivia. We hear from Stan Jeter of the Global News Alliance, giving us an update on what God is doing around the world. And check out Tim’s interview with Charlotte Martin, Director of Missions at P2C students. If you are 18 to 25 years of age, she has a great opportunity for you. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 20- January 14, 2023

This week on Mission Compass, we continue our conversation with Robin Wallar, lead pastor of LIFT Church, right here in Hamilton, Ontario. Their mission field is McMaster University! Tune in and find out how you can get involved in reaching university students and faculty with the good news of Jesus Christ. We also finish our conversation with Reuben Vermeulen, MAF pilot and missionary to South Sudan, where 3 out 4 people do not read. Yes, you read that right! This is why his work of delivering solar-powered, fix-tuned radios is so important. Don’t miss it!

Episode 19- January 7, 2023

Join us this week on the Mission Compass as we begin a new year full of great stories from the mission field. On this week’s program, we hear from Reuben Vermuelen, MAF pilot, about his adventures in South Sudan using his gifts and talents. Robin Wallar, the pastor of LIFT Church in Hamilton, ON, shares with us how his church uses missionaries to share the Gospel with university students; and last but not least, our good friend Steve Johnson from Alliance for the Unreached gives us a ministry update you don’t want to miss.

Episode 18- December 31, 2022

Why does the Mission Compass exist? Because we want to be your guide to the Great Commission! Join us this week as we chat with Mark Kroes, Executive Director of OMS (One Mission Society), telling us about ways we can get involved worldwide; Jeremy Doorten of e3 Partners also joins us, sharing with you about interesting short-term mission opportunities. Tune in, get inspired, and get involved!
You can contact Mark Kroes directly at 519-313-3314.

Episode 17- December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas from all of us at Galcom and the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission. This week we hear Stan Jeter of the Global News Alliance share how any one of us with a cellphone in our hand can become a missionary, by just sharing what God is doing around the world or right in our own backyard. We also catch up with our very good friend Tani Baraku of Radio Emanuel in Korçë, Albania, the world’s first officially atheist nation, and what they are doing there to share the best gift of all time…Jesus!

Episode 16- December 17, 2022

Join us this week on the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission, and find out where you can get involved in the Kingdom. This week, we talk with our good friend Ron Harris, our Mission Compass announcer and author of The Voice Behind You. Ron shares how God had led him into serving in radio broadcasting. We also hear from Jeremy Doorten, Canadian Director of E3 Partners and Galcom Board member. He talks about his work in projects such as “I Am Second”, which uses testimonies from high-profile people to share what God has done in their lives. You want to tune in, get inspired, and get involved!

Episode 15- December 10, 2022

Join us this week on the Mission Compass, when we talk with Lydia Nigh of SIM (Serving in Missions) as she shares some fascinating ways to serve in missions that you may never have thought of! We also dive into the second part of our conversation with Lois Benham-Smith of Atwell Pregnancy Centre as she talks about how they deal with misconceptions about their work. Tune in to this week’s program and see how you can get involved.

Episode 14- December 3, 2022

Three and a half billion people don’t have any access to the Gospel and still have not heard the good news of Jesus. Scripture tells us that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. How then can you help fulfill the Great Commission? Well, you can start by listening to the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission! This week, we hear from Tom Blackstone, Executive Director of Galcom USA, share about his recent trip to the Dominican Republic, reaching out to refugees fleeing from Haiti. We also get an update from Steve Johnson, Executive Director and CEO of Alliance for the Unreached, our partners in fulfilling the Great Commission. And last but not least, we chat with Lois Benham-Smith, Executive Director of Atwell Centre Pregnancy Options Support, explaining how they love people during times of crisis. Join us this week, be encouraged, and hear some great ideas on how you can get involved in the Great Commission.

Episode 13- November 26, 2022

Tune in to this week’s Mission Compass and get inspired by what God is doing through radio! Bonnie Sala, CEO and President of Guidelines International, shares some amazing stories of transformation in Mongolia and the Philippines. Mark Maxwell, President of Prairie College, joins us again this week and describes some of the surprising ways his students are training to serve God wherever He leads them. We also hear from Al Wyatt, Missionary Team Lead here at Galcom, about his trip to COICOM and how we partner with many ministries in South and Central America.

Episode 12- November 19, 2022

Do you want to get involved in the Great Commission, but don’t know where or how? Join Tim Whitehead, host of the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission. On this week’s program, we hear an update from Stan Jeter of the Global News Alliance. Be encouraged by “God stories”, hear all about how God is still moving in the world, and how you can help share God stories by using your cell phone. Also, this week we chat with Mark Maxwell of Prairie College, the original missionary-sending Bible College, as he shares about opportunities to serve. Tim gives us a Galcom update that you don’t want to miss, so tune in to Mission Compass this week!

Episode 11- November 12, 2022

Join us this week as we continue our conversation with David Tunikaitis of the Dunnville Youth Impact Centre. He shares stories of how they are impacting the youth in their community with the good news of Jesus. Tune in to hear from Andrew Brown; he gives us an update on how radio is being used to reach tens of thousands of people in the oral cultures of South Sudan. Bonnie Sala shares about the impact that radio is having around the world through their Reset and Guidelines Devotional. There are many ways to get involved in the Great Commission. Let us guide you to where you can serve today!

Episode 10- November 5, 2022

Join us this week and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission. Tim Whitehead, host of the Mission Compass, continues his talk with David Tunikaitis of the Dunnville Impact Centre, as he shares practical ways that you can get involved reaching out to youth in your community. Catch up with Steve Johnson of the Alliance for the Unreached and learn about how you can get involved with International Day for the Unreached. Tim also gives us a quick Galcom update. Find out what we are up to and get involved in prayer with us!

Episode 9- October 29, 2022

Join us this week as we continue our conversation with Troy Miller, president and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters as he shares about what they’re doing to ensure that the Gospel can continue to go out over traditional media, radio, TV, and social media. Stan Jeter joins and gives us an update from the Global News Alliance and another tip on how you can become a journalist. Yes. With your smartphone! We’ve got a special event coming up November 4th. You want to tune in and find out all about it this week on the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission. We want to point you in the right direction and introduce you to people that are doing special things to tell others about Jesus, using their unique skills, abilities, and experience.

Episode 8- October 22nd, 2022

It is increasingly becoming more and more difficult to talk about Jesus on radio, TV, even social media. That’s why this week on the Mission Compass, we continue to talk to Troy Miller of the Religious Broadcasters Association. There’s a lot of censorship, but we want to tell others about Jesus because he’s the one who brings peace, hope and joy to our lives. Tune in, find out what God is doing around the world through Christian radio when we talk to Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International and Ptallah Butaki of Imani Radio. Join us in the Great Commission, somehow, some way!

Episode 7- October 15th, 2022

Join us this week as we continue to connect with people from all over the globe, sharing how they are fulfilling the call of the Great Commission. And that’s why we exist here on the Mission Compass because we want to be YOUR guide to the Great Commission! This week we talk to Rev. Ptallah Butaki, Ph.D. of Imani Radio as they share how radio impacts people living in the semi-arid region of Kenya. Tune in and hear from Troy Miller of the National Religious Broadcasters Association and Mike Reimer of Avant Ministries to find out what they are doing to ensure all hear about the good news of Jesus Christ.

Episode 6- October 8th, 2022

Tune in this week to get an update from Stan Jeter, founder and CEO of the Global News Alliance, sharing stories from persecuted Christians in Nigeria. You definitely do not want to miss this week’s Galcom update with Faye Whatford, Communications Team Lead, as she shares about our upcoming banquets; yes, you read that right, banquets plural! We will also hear part three of Tony Jones’ story about what is happening in Haiti and how you can help by just buying a cup of coffee. Getting involved in the Great Commission could be as simple as buying a cup of coffee, or as difficult as going around the world as a missionary yourself! Find out how, this week on the Mission Compass—your guide to the Great Commission.

Episode 5- October 1st, 2022

Join us this week as we continue our discussion with Tony Jones, missionary to Haiti, where the national religion is Voodoo. Tune in to get an update from our friends at 4VEH, also in Haiti, as they tell us about their ministry and the difficulties they are having with the unrest among the people. Also, we hear from the new president of the Alliance for the Unreached, Steve Johnson, as he educates us on unreached people groups and how we can join in prayer. Get encouraged, get involved in some way, somehow in the Great Commission.

Episode 4- September 24th, 2022

Do you know what happens when people hear the good news of Jesus Christ? Tune in this week and find out all of the ways in which the good news is reaching people all around the world and hear about the stories of transformed lives in the Middle East, Haiti and Africa. Be encouraged by the stories of the Great Commission, this week on the Mission Compass and get involved, someway, somehow.

Episode 3- September 17th, 2022

This week on the Mission Compass, we hear part three of Anthony Ngai’s amazing story of transformation into Christianity and how this has impacted his life. We also hear from Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International and the incredible things they are doing to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of the Middle East and North Africa. We also chat with our own Research and Development Engineer, Pierre-Yves Mutrux, as he discusses the launch of our new player, The Compass. God is working in so many ways through regular people who are heeding the call of the Great Commission. Will you join us in fulfilling the call? Tune in, and find out where you may fit in.

Episode 2- September 10th, 2022

The Mission Compass radio show profiles missionary work around the world and provides information on how Christians can get involved—somehow, some way. Join us this week as we chat with Stan Jeter of Global News Alliance, and find out how you can get involved in the Great Commission by using your smartphone. We hear from Tom Blackstone, Executive Director at Galcom International USA as he shares how radio is transforming communities. Tune in to part two of our conversation with former atheist Anthony Ngai, Executive Director at Sound of Faith Broadcasting. We want you to be encouraged by the testimonies and good news of how God is working in people’s lives and perhaps get involved in the Great Commission. Listen in and see how you can receive your free copy of the Reset Devotional by Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International.

Episode 1- September 3rd, 2022

Welcome to the new and improved Mission Compass radio show, still your guide to the Great Commission! On this week’s program, we hear part 1 of Anthony Ngai’s testimony, a former atheist and now the Executive Director of Sound of Faith Broadcasting. We also get an update from our good friend and partner Bonnie Sala of Guidelines International and host of the Reset Devotional. Tune in and see how you can receive your free copy of the Reset Devotional today. We also chat with Mitch Whatford, Production Manager here at Galcom, as he gives an update on our ongoing issues with delays in parts and shipping. More interviews, more testimonies, and more stories of how God is using everyday people to accomplish great things. Get encouraged and get involved in the Great Commission, by listening to the Mission Compass.

Season 2