Field Updates

February 2025 | Nepal, Kyrgyzstan

World Radio Day

At Galcom, we’re committed to help reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ using radio. For many of us in North America & Europe however, radio seems like an old fashioned technology. Is it really the best way to spread the Gospel?

Our friends at FEBA UK (Far East Broadcasting Associates) put together a great blog post for World Radio Day (Feb. 13) detailing how radio is still one of the most effective tools for preaching the Word of God. Give it a read below.


July 2024 | South Sudan

Celebration in a Leper Colony

Here is an encouraging report..

We loaded into our truck to visit a leper colony outside of town to hear the amazing story of a blind woman there. She recently received one of our solar-powered radios and testified, “Radio has become my family.”

October 2023 | Cambodia

October Newsletter | Voice of Love Cambodia

God is My Guide

We are grateful to the Lord God Almighty for the success of the Family Conference on October 18-19,2023 in Siem Reap City. Wth the theme “Development of Christian Families in Modern Society,” 95 Christian families from 25 provinces of the Kingdom of Cambodia gathered in Smiling Hotel’s conference room for two days. Because of God’s grace, each and every family that attended the conference enjoyed the fruitful lessons that were shared by the speakers.

July 2023 | South Sudan

Every Detail | Building a Nation for Christ
July 2023 Update

 On July 9th, we celebrated South Sudanese Independence Day! South Sudan raised their own flag in 2011 after years of war with Sudan, becoming the world’s newest nation. The struggle for independence left South Sudan with many challenges, but also with an equally great strength to persevere. Every Village is honored to partner with the South Sudanese to build a nation for Christ!.

May 2023 | Oaxaca, Mexico

Galcom International Canada

May 2023 Radio Distribution

After a long hiatus, Shelley and Alastair Wyatt were able to lead the first post-COVID missions trip at Galcom. The team gave out 256 Mixe audio Bibles to the people in the Oaxaca region of Mexico. Please pray that the Mixe people will grow in their faith as they can now listen to God’s Word.

February 2023 | Cambodia

Voice of Love Cambodia

February 2023 newsletter

 To learn more about how God is moving in Cambodia, click “Read More” to access the latest newsletter from FEBC Cambodia.

Dec 2022 | South Sudan

News from Every Village!

Sustainable Access Begins with Us

 South Sudan is still a new country, which means that it struggles with the infrastructure and systems needed to meet the basic needs of its people. Communities struggle to find safe water, reliable information, and messages of hope.


As we approach the end of this year, we want to not only help provide access to water and the gospel by radio, but we want to do it in a way that gives ownership back to the South Sudanese people.

June 2022 | South Sudan

News from Every Village!

The team at Every Village has been hard at work continuing the development of their new compound in Aweil! As you may remember, this densely populated area of South Sudan is already home to two Every Village radio towers.
Over the last month, Every Village has completed the construction of the water well and the elevated tank, and they have begun constructing a water office and latrine as well.

May 2022 | South Sudan

Great News from Every Village!

 New Every Village Land
At the end of 2021, Every Village purchased land in the Aweil region, which is the most densely populated area of South Sudan. This area is already home to two Every Village radio towers that cover over 1.3 million people.