A special thanks to each volunteer who has helped in any way at Galcom International over the past 30 years. You have helped us reach the unreached for Christ!
Local Volunteers

Galcom International in Hamilton, Ontario, relies on volunteers to help produce radios for unreached people around the world.
Volunteers in our production department do many things, including programming and testing the circuit boards, soldering the connections for the antennas and the speakers, screwing the radios together, installing solar panels, labelling, and other important tasks. Others help by preparing and sending our quarterly mailing to our supporters. There are many opportunities for you to volunteer.

You can volunteer by yourself or bring a group from your church. We can also bring radio production to your church if there is a group of people interested. Please contact us for more information!
Volunteer Area Representatives

Galcom is blessed to have key individuals working with us as Volunteer Area Representatives. These people invest their time to promote the mission and vision of Galcom International in their localities and areas of influence. They raise prayer awareness and secure needed financial support by speaking in churches, home meetings, civic groups, to Christian businesses, on Christian radio stations, and by distributing Galcom information to interested parties.
Currently, our American VARs are serving in Central Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, New England, Seattle, Washington, California and Michigan.
Canadian VARs are serving in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.
If you feel the Lord might be calling you to join this growing, dynamic team in your area, we would be happy to hear from you!