What does “Galcom” mean?
In Hebrew, it means “commit.”
A short form for “communication.”
Another word for “worldwide.”
The name “Galcom International” is an indication of our commitment to communicating the Gospel worldwide.

There are about 44,000 radio stations worldwide.
Source: The World Factbook, CIA.

In 11 countries surveyed across Africa, community radio grew by a striking 1,386% over a six-year period.
Source: The Communication for
Development Journal, 2012

Radio is the most efficient channel for information. In the Philippines, radio reached 85% of households, whereas TV reached just under 60%
Source: Info-as-aid, 2012

Radio is the most accessible and used medium in Zambia. Access in rural areas is 69% for radio and 26% for TV.
Source: Intermedia, 2011.
For only $3000, Galcom can install
a 45-watt station
with a broadcast
reach of as much
as 20 km.

In Zambia, only 8% of monthly mobile phone users own a mobile phone personally.
Source: Intermedia, 2011.

83% of Tanzanians said they get news and information from radio, making it the leader of both media and non-media sources.
Source: Intermedia, 2011.

Shortwave radio can provide service where satellite, FM, or internet are unavailable. It is crucial for people living in isolated regions. It reached across the digital divide to the most disadvantaged and marginalized societies.
Source: UNESCO, Shortwave Radio, 2013.
Galcom’s Main Areas of Ministry
1. Radios and Audio Bibles

We provide solar-powered radios and audio players. Even for missions that are not engaged in radio broadcasting, distributing solar-powered, fix-tuned radios accelerates the evangelistic and church planting efforts of missionaries.
2. Christian Radio Stations

We are actively involved in providing radio studio and broadcasting equipment at the best possible prices to Christian radio stations around the world. Galcom technicians travel to many countries every year, assisting with licensing, transmitters, studio equipment, installations and broadcasting.